Configuring Console Output, Logging

Multiple log output are available and they can be use simultaneously. Existing output are console, file and limited syslog.

Syslog use is currently limited to WolfLauncher high level logs.


In XML configuration file, the console output and the file output are configured within the log element.

log Element

optional=yes, default=N/A, parent element: wolf

The log element can be used to create an optional log file of DFIR ORC execution. This file will be uploaded if an <upload/> element is specified in a DFIR ORC local configuration file.

The log message are passing through “sinks” like ‘console’ or ‘file’. To configure log output a sink must be specified.

Console sink element, /log:console,... Option

optional=yes, default=N/A, parent element: log

level Attribute, /log:console,level=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=critical, parent element: console

Log level is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’.

backtrace Attribute, /log:console,backtrace=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=off, parent element: console

Specify a log level which will trigger a log backtrace which will contain logs up to level ‘debug’.

Value is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’, off.

File sink element, /log:file,... Option

optional=yes, default=N/A, parent element: log

The logging can be written to the file at the end of the tool execution. This implies that tool progress cannot be followed from log file using “tail

level Attribute, /log:file,level=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=info, parent element: file

Log level is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’.

backtrace Attribute, /log:file,backtrace=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=error, parent element: file

Specify a log level which will trigger a log backtrace which will contain logs up to level ‘debug’.

Value is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’, off.

output Element, /log:file,output=Path>,... Option

optional=yes, default=N/A, parent element: file

Path to the log file. Patterns are supported as with archive element (cf archive element).

Syslog sink element, /log:syslog,... Option

optional=yes, default=N/A, parent element: log

Redirect high level logs to a syslog server.

Currently ‘syslog’ use is restricted to WolfLauncher.

level Attribute, /log:syslog,level=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=info, parent element: syslog

Log level is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’.

backtrace Attribute, /log:syslog,backtrace=<Level>,... Option

optional=yes, default=off, parent element: syslog

Specify a log level which will trigger a log backtrace which will contain logs up to level ‘debug’.

Value is one of ‘trace’, ‘debug’, ‘info’ ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘critical’, off.

host Attribute, /log:syslog,host=<ip4_or_ip6>,... Option

optional=no, default=N/A, parent element: syslog

Address of the syslog server

port Attribute, /log:syslog,port=<port>,... Option

optional=yes, default=514, parent element: syslog

Port of the syslog server.


    <console level="critical" backtrace="off"></console>
    <file level="error" backtrace="error">
        <output disposition="truncate">ORC_{SystemType}_{FullComputerName}_{TimeStamp}.dev.log</output>
dfir-orc.exe \
    /log:console,level=critical,backtrace=off \
    /log:file,level=debug,backtrace=error,output="dfir-orc.log" \
    /log:syslog,host=,port=514 ...

Back to Root

noconsole Attribute, /noconsole Option

This option disabled console output.

<logging noconsole=""/>

verbose Attribute, /verbose Option

Enables verbose output. XML is deprecated.

<logging verbose=""/>

debug Attribute, /debug Option

Enables debug logging for Console and File log output. XML is deprecated.

<logging debug=""/>

Example of debug logging:

2021-02-08T17:43:41.200Z [I] WolfLauncher v10.1.0-rc3-115-ge4123652(orc.git 66613f2cdbc7fd9241eb9acabfab7a6ac19a242b

Typical Usage Example

.\DFIR-Orc.exe NTFSInfo /noconsole /debug /log:file,level=error,output=c:\temp\ntfsinfo.log

This example does not output anything to the console (quiet mode), log information directly into an attached debugger and create “c:\temp\ntfsinfo.log” containing the console output.

The equivalent XML syntax is:

<logging file="c:\temp\ntfsinfo.log" noconsole="" debug="" />